Inspired by street art throughout France and Belgium, the term “J’existe” holds a powerful meaning to those who remind the society and establishments that they have value and purpose and are not to be ignored. Every time I traveled through these countries and saw the random graffiti “J’existe”, I could hear beautiful inspiring words that reminded me to share this content with the public.
We are of a higher divine purpose. We are all shards of the ever-present power-origins of life and one is not greater than the other. Lets value our opinions in truth. That is the reason why I added the word truth to this powerful message coming from a deeper part of the soul, that exclaims that all life has true value and is equally valuable amongst the whole.
Without truth, we miss the power of the heart- felt connection, the emotions of the soul and the vibration of truth that magnifies the words we exclaim.
When we are not speaking from the heart, or speaking from truth, we create a vibration contrary to ourselves and those we intend to affect. Our words are powerful when combined with love, truth and a desire to free ourselves and others from the shadows, the dark places that society sometimes confines us to. Uniqueness is valuable, it is what introduces new “thought”, creativity, imagination, and those who choose to speak about the areas not typically acceptable by our societies.
Sometimes we may talk about inequities, or we get beat down for expressing a point of view. This conversation could expand out into many areas, but here, we will discuss topics of spirituality, unexplained memories and recall, intuition, psychic awareness, SSP, targeted individuals and any area categorized by the system to be only acknowledged as conspiracy theories.
I hope to lend courage to the muffled voices of insecurity and timid victims who have not found a place to express themselves. In addition, I hope to separate them from the charlatans, opportunists and those who have been preying upon these experiencers who are speaking their truth. This has been a murky combination of those who have muddied the waters and tainted the very information that would clearly have legitimized and validated many testimonies, had they not corrupted it with such arrogance and narcissism, salesmen-style verbiage and out right plagiarism of others who shared sincere testimonies.
People have asked me, aren’t we all one community? Shouldn’t we all get along? I say, truth cannot rest in the arms of deception. To one person, fame, money and a twisting of truth never hurt anyone. I say, why can’t this space be sacred to those who needed the courage to speak out about what they truly do remember and not be grossly mimicked in some plethora of meaningless banter that bastardizes everything that the original text was to stand for. My question is: what darkness is in the person to strip the truth from the violated? This is not censorship, these are crafty tactics to water down meanings or even alter meanings for the sake of confusion. Over the past 10 years I have seen so much effort to plagiarize, distort and turn something very powerful into a carnival exhibit. Will it ever stop, or will it sink deeper and deeper into deception, where none of it has any further meaning, but rather a mockery to the public and who knows how many more years of suppression will go on.
It is up to the public to decide. If a person is aware that information is being distorted, discontinue to support it and stop making it viral. You have the power to uphold what you believe to be true. I know many want to see true disclosure, but it won’t ever happen as long as disinformation agents are in the forefront.